We are delighted to announce the details for our second Leadership Academy Breakfast Club, which will be held on Thursday, 2 February 2023 from 9.30am to 11am, and will be online. You can register here.
The Breakfast Club events will happen monthly and will alternate between online and in-person. One of the key needs of any leader is a good support system and strong network. All of our events will be designed to encourage people to engage with one another so we can develop a strong leadership community in Ireland.
This month’s event will look at Leaders of Organisations. We will be focusing on new opportunities for developing our own leadership and the leadership potential within our organisations in this post(ish) COVID-19 environment.
Our speakers (pictured below) for the morning will be Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, the CEO of Carmichael Ireland and Elaina Ryan the CEO of Childrens Books Ireland. They will talk about their own experiences of the changing face of leadership, and how they are responding to emerging needs. As with all of our Breakfast Club events, we will be asking people about their personal leadership journeys.
It would be lovely to see you at the Breakfast Club on 2 February. Please also connect with our LinkedIn Leadership Academy page where we are building a community of leaders!
The Breakfast Club events are open to everyone in the sector, so feel free to inform anyone else in your organisation that might enjoy or benefit from the event.