Leadership Assessment

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School 1

Leader of Self

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School 2

Leader of Teams

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School 3

Leader of Organisation

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School 4

Leader in the Sector


01 4548727


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School 1

Leader of Self

Understand your own qualities and personal leadership skills.

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School 2

Leader of Teams

Understand teams and help team members to flourish.

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School 3

Leader of Organisation

Understand organisations and create an inspiring culture.

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School 4

Leader in the Sector

Understand and influence the Irish nonprofit sector.

Mary Roche

Mary Roche


By LE Team

T-Space offers coaching at both individual and organisational levels, supporting both leaders and their corporate body-as-a-whole to operate at peak performance and achieve sustainability goals.
We create immersive, experiential and tailored leadership learning programmes designed to catalyse new thinking, build behavioural skills, and self-awareness in leaders at all levels.


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